Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Top 10 Benefits of Dark Chocolate

1. Sugar free chocolates reduce Tooth Decay

Cocoa is naturally bitter. Sugar is used as a sweetener which is one of the causes for tooth decay. Chocolates that do not have additives like sugar have anti-bacterial agents that fight tooth decay. So prefer chocolates which are sugar, caramel and nuts free.

2. Good for the brain
Chocolates contain brain stimulating agents like theobromine and caffeine. They dilate and enhance the blood flow to the brain. Also the Flavonoids in them improve blood circulation for upto 2 hours after consuming those yummy chocolates. Also, they are said to improve memory.

3. Anti-depressant

Serotonin is a natural anti-depressant that is contained in the dark chocolates. Chocolates have a tendency to release endorphin giving you a feeling of pleasure and happiness. So enjoy the pleasure of your favourite dark chocolate when you feel low.

4. Delays aging

If you do not want those ugly wrinkles or lines on your face, eat chocolates. This can be a sweet way to delay your evidence of aging. The antioxidants contained in cocoa help delay aging.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Several studies have proven that chocolates lower blood pressure. The nitric oxide produced by the antioxidants is responsible to lower high blood pressure. Dark chocolates also contain magnesium and copper that keeps the blood pressure constantly normal.

6. Lowers cholesterol

It is a fact that chocolates have a tendency to lower the LDL, bad cholesterol and enhance the good cholesterol in your body. Yes, eating dark chocolates everyday can reduce LDL by 10% in your body.

7. Good for heart

Eat a bar small bar of chocolate everyday for a healthy heart. Dark chocolates reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They prevent the risk of heart attacks, block in arteries and coronary diseases.

8. Good for pregnant women

Pregnant women who eat dark chocolates are proven to have happier babies than those who do not eat them. Eating small quantities of dark chocolates everyday can prevent a serious complication known as pre-eclampsia, where the blood pressure soars during pregnancy and excess protein is passed out into the urine.

9. Longer life

Eating chocolates often can increase your life time by a year! This is all the more a good reason to eat chocolates. Studies have proved that, people who consume dark chocolates everyday have a longer life and lower number of health diseases.

10. Fights cancer

Just like red wine, blueberries, garlic, and tea. Chocolates have cancer fighting contents. The sweet treat contains cancer-fighting antioxidants such as catechins and phenols, as well as flavonoids. So feast on these yummy bars that may help to prevent deadly cancer.

This article was originally published on

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