Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Skip the Shin Splints! How to Make Your First Outdoor Run a Success

Beautiful scenery, a higher calorie burn, and a toned lower body are just a few things to look forward to when you start running outside. But if you don't play it safe, then you can just as easily be looking at a slew of new injuries, frustrations, and unmet expectations. Stay safe and make sure that your first outdoor runs are your best yet with these tips.

No. 1: Pick the Road More Traveled

When starting out, the last thing you want to worry about is getting lost. Before even lacing up your sneakers, do some research: ask friends where they like to run, use online running forums to find popular routes, and check to see if your park has designated trails. The more popular and visible the trail, the better. Well-used routes tend to have clearly defined pathways, they are often well-lit, and there's safety in numbers by choosing a trail that's populated with fellow runners. If you're feeling nervous, then opt to walk the route first, or ask a friend to go running with you.

No. 2: Start Slow (and Soft)

Aside from having to deal with what nature throws at you, running without the momentum of a treadmill is also more taxing on the body. The muscles have to work harder to push the body forward, and the joints take more of a beating from running on uneven (and harder) terrain. When you first begin running outdoors, don't expect — or even challenge yourself — to run as fast or as long as you do on a treadmill. Give your body time to adjust by gradually replacing treadmill runs with some that are outdoors, and keep your first few runs on the shorter side. You can pick up the pace and add mileage as your body acclimates. To make the transition easier on your joints and avoid injury, start by running on softer surfaces like grass, a track, or a wooded trail.

No. 3: There's More to It Than Just Running

At its simplest, running is about one foot in front of the other, but your regimen should include more than just your runs. Running on a treadmill allows for convenient notifications to warm up and cool down — not something that happens when you're outside. Being away from the gym also means there are fewer visual reminders to stretch and strength train, which are important components of any runner's routine. Prevent injury by always warming up the muscles with a brisk five-minute walk, and remember to cool down by slowly decreasing your pace; stopping suddenly during a run can lead to lightheadedness. Lastly, don't forget to strength train! Since the body works harder when running outside, the muscles and joints need to be able to handle the challenge to ward off any overuse injuries.

This article was originally published in

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