Lose weight while feasting on steak, burgers, cheese, and bacon? All without feeling hungry? What’s not to love? Meat lovers have flocked to high-protein, low-carb plans like Atkins, Zone, Protein Power, and Sugar Busters. While these diets can work, you need to carefully consider the risks and rewards before deciding if one is right for you.
We’ve all heard it before, portion control is another essential pillar to effective weight loss. If you’re like most of us and confused over how much is a good serving of each food, here’s a handy printable portion guide from WebMD.
Keep it with you whenever you’re eating out!
For anyone who's ever wondered why you should wear sunscreen, the answers to this question are straightforward and beneficial to your health.
Are you trying to avoid eating unhealthy foods but can't fight the cravings? It's just that some foods are just addictions, so breaking them are difficult. Here is a good starting place to put you on the yellow brick road to healthy eating.
Craving: Chocolate, Missing Nutrient: Magnesium
Women should be cautious during menstruation, as magnesium levels do drop. Instead, try snacking on natural fruits, nuts, or take a vitamin/mineral supplement.
Craving: Sugar or Simple Carbs, Missing Nutrients: Protein & Complex Carbs
A quick science lesson: Carbohydrates break down into sugars. Since sugar metabolizes very quickly, it is not a good source of long term energy. The best source of energy includes protein and complex carbohydrates, which break down much slower. Good examples include brown or wild long-grain rice; and pasta or bread made from wholewheat flour. It is called "wholewheat" because it includes the "whole" kernel, of which the outer shell contains the germ, bran and nutrients of the grain. White rice (Minute Rice) and white flour have been stripped of this goodness, leaving only the inner starch (simple carbohydrates).
Craving: Fried foods, Missing Nutrients: Calcium & OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids
OMEGA 3's are good fat! Try eating more fish, or check your grocery store for milk, cheese, or eggs containing theses essential oils plus calcium (it will state such on the label).
Craving: Salt, Missing Nutrients: Hydration, Vitamin B, Chloride
When you desire something salty, try to drink water instead. Also, stress can lead to a Vitamin B deficiency, so if your experiencing hardship, take a second Vitamin B supplement half way through your day.
Whether you prefer a gooey chocolate truffle or a mug of hot cocoa, chocolate is the number one indulgence for most of us—especially on Valentine’s Day. But this indulgence comes at a price, right? After all, isn’t chocolate bad for us, full of caffeine and saturated fat? Not so fast—new research has shown that chocolate can be a part of a healthy diet after all.
A drink (or two) a day can be beneficial to one’s health. Studies have shown that drinking red wine in moderation lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
“Men should drink no more than three standard drinks a day; and women, no more than two,” says Mrs Magdalin Cheong, Chief Dietitian of the Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital.
A standard drink refers to 2/3 of a small can of regular beer (220ml), a glass of wine (100ml) or one nip of spirit (30ml).
Chinese New Year is right at our doorsteps. For the Chinese around the world, it is the time of the year when you find good company, reunion of relatives and friends and delicious meals, cakes and delicacies. Amid the festivities and feasting, it is easy to let down our hair and indulge in whatever is presented to us.
Calories in 1 sheet Bak Kwa – 45g
Energy: 176 calories
Protein: 12 g
Carbs: 18 g
Fat: 6 g
Does that suprise you? That BBQ pork contains more carbohydrates than protein? That’s because it’s loaded with sugar during cooking!
From Wikipedia:
Bak Kwa, or rougan is a Chinese salty-sweet dried meat product similar to jerky, made in the form of flat thin sheets. It is normally made from pork. Bakkwa is believed to have originated from a meat preservation and preparation technique used in ancient China that is still practiced in places with Hokkien influence.
In Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines bakkwa or ba gua is the most widely used name. Cantonese speakers use the term yuhk gn’, Anglicised version long yok, while in China and Taiwan the product is more commonly known as rougan. Commercially available versions are sometimes labeled as “barbecued pork,” “dried pork,” or “pork jerky.” Bakkwa is particularly popular as a snack in Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines. In Beidou, Taiwan, it is regarded as one of the three pork delicacies.
The Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations typically last for a full 15 days. Just as you think you survived the first few days of CNY holidays and your stomach is taking a break from the endless flow of pastries, nuts and soft drinks, the weekend is here and the same house visit ritual begins again!
2 pineapple tarts + 10 shrimp rolls + 1 Bak Kwa + 6 Kueh bangkit + 4 love letters
= 799kcal, 29g fat & 63g sugar